Hello! We are excited to start the 2024-25 school year. As parents & guardians, we all strive to support our children throughout their educational journey. As North Cobb's Parent Teacher Association (PTA), our mission is to support the school, the staff, and most importantly, the students and communities we serve. 

Our PTA is run solely by parent & guardian volunteers, just like you. We have a lot of ways to help PTA make a positive impact and we hope you will find a way to get involved that works for you and your family:

  • Join NCHS PTA-membership dues go directly in to the school to fund much-needed items—such as technology, literacy efforts, school beautification/enhancements, and initiatives designed to improve our students’ educational experience (joining the PTA does not commit you to volunteering your time).
  • Donate to the PTA-Your financial support helps us fund teacher grants, family fun events, teacher & staff appreciation, and so much more.
  • Volunteer with the PTA -we have a number of different volunteer opportunities with various time commitments and availability. Volunteering is such a fun way to meet other families and get to know our teachers & staff even better!   


This years board members are excited to get the year rolling and to serve our school. If you have any questions or concerns, you can reach out to northcobbptsa17@gmail.com. This year's Exective Team is as follows:

Co-President: Nikki Donahoo

Co-President: Maggie Roe

Secretary: Lynette Sylvester

Treasurer: Lange Duby


Don't forget to go to the estore and purchase your spiritwear and join PTSA!! Every member has a voice. Every child, ONE Voice!!